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Adapt Tips
Adapt Tips

A repository of useful 'How to' tips on a variety of subjects in Adapt.

Candidate Longlist/Progress Notes editable and displayed in Entity preview window
Using Perm Assignment 'End Dates' in Searches & Studio Widgets
Change Address on a Client record
Originating Candidate & Job record stored on Saved Results
Special Conditions & Clauses for Contracts on Client record & Contract Assignment record
Actively Looking flag on a Candidate Record
Contact at Work email defaults
Using the Margin Calculator
Payrun Errors
Adapt Activities / Workflows
Assignment Records in Adapt
Using QuickFind
Send Docs By
Adapt Icons
Changing the Ownership of Records
Postcode Validation
Tracking Competitor Submittals
How to assign a task to a colleague
Changing the Requirements of a Job
Arranging a Client Visit
Create Client vs. Quick Client
Sending Terms of Business
How to use Re-Shortlist
Delete or Complete a Task?
How to create an Adapt CV
Booking a team meeting in the Adapt Calendar
Contacting your Candidate from a Studio
Adding a Contact to a Mailshot Code Group in Adapt
Batch Acknowledge CVs by email for this week
Cut, Copy and Paste docs in the Document Library
Adding Companies to Approach
How to add a Client rate for Temp Regular Job Categories
Acknowledging return of Terms of Business
Unbooking a Contract Assignment
How to share a custom Studio with a colleague
Adding a document to the Document Library
Adding a CV to a Candidate
Creating an Internal Interview for a Candidate
How to leave a message for a colleague
Using Ranking and Weighting in document search results
Searching for Working Temps this week
Creating a Temp Regular or Contract Timesheet from a Studio
Reformatting QuickFind Results
Creating Favourite Records
Navigating records from Search results
Navigating records from QuickFind results
Active Searches
Using Quick Book
How to Run the Payrun
Importing an Email
Logging a Call back with Reminder