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Special Conditions & Clauses for Contracts on Client record & Contract Assignment record
Special Conditions & Clauses for Contracts on Client record & Contract Assignment record

Special Conditions/Clauses text section added to Client Summary & Contract Assignment Details pages. Field merged into Issue Contract.

Updated over 5 years ago

A 'free text' notes field called Special Conditions/Clauses is available on the:

  • Client Record Summary Page:

  • Contract Assignment Details Page:

Use Edit to add text to the section relating to any special conditions or clauses associated with the Client or the particular Assignment.

The Special Conditions/Clauses notes section is available as a 'merge' field in the UK Standard Contract 1 and 2 templates. It is labelled 'Special Conditions/Clauses' and located under the 'Redisbursements' field.

Note: Please contact your Erecruit representative to add this merge field to your Contract template(s) if required.

Fill Contract Job 

When running the Fill Contract Job activity, the Special Conditions/Clauses content will be picked up from the Client record and displayed here, where it can be modified if required:

The contents of this field will be copied to the Assignment record on Confirm.

If the field to Send Contract now? is ticked, the details of this notes field will immediately be merged into the generated Contract:

The Fill Contract Job and Contract document created Journal records will show the details of this notes field:

The field is editable on the Assignment record, and any revised content can be saved. Any revised saved content will be merged into the Contract if it is issued from here.

Issue Contract

When the Issue Contract activity is run from the Assignment record, it will pick up the Special Conditions/Clauses notes held on the Assignment record and display it for editing if necessary:

On Confirm, this notes field, with any changes, will be merged into the generated Contract document and saved back to the Assignment record.

Reissue Contract on Extension

When running the Extension workflow from the Assignment record, there is a  tick box to Re-issue contract. This will pick up the Special Conditions/Clauses section from the Assignment record and merge it into the generated Contract.

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