20 articles
Steps required to Create a Temp Shift Job using RTDs and Frameworks
Steps required to create a Temp Shift Job with No RTD or Framework
How to Create a Framework
How to Create Rate Matrices
Creating Rate Time Definitions
How to Link a Client to a Framework
How to Create a Temporary Shift Job with No RTD
How to Create new Temp Shift Jobs using RTDs
How to Create Shifts for Temp Shift Jobs
How to Create Shift Time Definitions for Shift Types
Creating Timesheets for Temp Shift Assignments
Filling Shifts from the Shift Info page
Temp Shift Rate Updates and Settings
Using the Temp Desk
Temp Desk Single Shift Filling using Drag and Drop
Temp Desk Bulk Shift Booking using Drag and Drop
Examples of creating a Temp Shift Job, with various Shifts and Rates using a Shift Rate Time Definition (SRTD) .
Example of creating a Temp Shift Job, with various Shifts and Rates using a Time Bands Rate Time Definition.
Example of creating a Temp Shift Job, with various Shifts and Rates using a Daily Rate Time Definition.
Example of creating a Temp Shift Job, with various Shifts and Rates using a Weekly Rate Time Definition.