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Temp Desk Bulk Shift Booking using Drag and Drop
Temp Desk Bulk Shift Booking using Drag and Drop

Booking multiple candidates into multiple shifts. Bulk Unbook Candidates. Bulk Amend variable shifts. Bulk Copy or Extend shifts.

Updated over 2 years ago

Bulk Filling Shifts

The Temp Desk functionality allows users to drag multiple candidates and drop into multiple shifts.

To select multiple Candidates, highlight/drag using the mouse to cover the area required:

For example, highlight 4 available temp candidates from the Temp Candidates section and drag and drop them into 4 shifts in the Temp Shift Planner above:

When booking Candidates into shifts either manually or through the Temp desk, the Temporary Shift Booking screen is displayed. Users will get the opportunity to adjust rates here if required.

Note: Users can still fill shifts from the Shift Info page using the ‘Fill Shifts’ button and still book temps individually from the Temp Desk. Using these methods only allows one temp into multiple bookings.

If the user has chosen to apply the Living Wage check (held in application settings), the system will automatically check if any of the Candidates are over 23 (where DOB is held) and if so, whether the Job Base rate is below the saved living wage for over 23 (also held in application settings). When this criteria is met, a message will be displayed and a task created for each Candidate to remind the user to update the rates, if required:

If there are several Candidates with different parameters and one or more does not have a date of birth stored on the system, then a warning message will be displayed when trying to bulk book:

Details of the Candidates which could not be booked will be shown on a Fail Report with the reasons for failure alongside. This can be found on the journal record:

Note: If you don’t have administrator privileges to update application settings, please ask your Erecruit Representative to do this.

Bulk Unbooking Filled Shifts

From the Temp Desk, it is possible to unbook all or multiple candidates from shifts. This can be done by selecting multiple shifts (highlight/drag using the mouse to cover the area required as above) then clicking on one of the shifts to display the shift details for the unbooking. Use the red cross to unbook the selected shifts:

The unbook shift workflow will be launched:

There are 2 options to Unbook and delete shift or Unbook and make shift available for rebooking. Choose the appropriate option.

There is also a tick box to confirm "Would you like to create availability for the un-booked period?". This applies to the Candidate being un-booked.

Complete the details and click Confirm.

When unbooking a Contract or Temporary assignment, Adapt will adjust a Candidate’s confirmed availability and unavailability based on what is confirmed on the availability page in their record.

Bulk Amend Filled Shifts

For bulk 'filled shift' changes, select multiple shifts (highlight/drag using the mouse to cover the area required as above) then click on one shift to bring up the bulk shift details for amendment:

The green tick icon enables the user to bulk amend details for all the shifts selected. The Amend filled shift workflow will launch:

Make changes as required and click Confirm.
Note: If the selected shifts have variable information, bulk amendment can be used to standardise the the shift start and end times.

Any shifts unable to be updated due to Rate gaps or conflict, Living Wage notifications and incorrect emails etc. will appear on a generated failure report stored in the Exception Report folder of the user's Document Library.

Bulk Amend or Delete Unfilled Shifts

For bulk 'unfilled shift' changes select multiple shifts (highlight/drag using the mouse to cover the area required as above) then click on one shift to bring up the bulk shift details for amendment or deletion:

The green tick icon enables the user to bulk update amended details for all the shifts selected. The bin icon can be used to bulk delete the selected shifts.

Note: If the selected shifts have variable information, bulk amendment can be used to standardise the the shift start and end times.

Bulk Amend Variable Shifts

Filled or Unfilled shifts with variable start and end times can be bulk amended within the TempDesk.

In this example, there are 8 shifts:

  • 5 run from 6am to 11am

  • 1 runs from 6pm to 11pm

  • 2 run from 6pm to 11.30pm

  • To select multiple Candidates, highlight/drag using the mouse to cover the area required:

  • The shifts will turn orange, ready for editing:

  • Select the highlighted shifts and click the 'green tick' to bulk Amend:

  • Here, we are changing all the variable shifts to be the same time range - 5.30pm to 12am with a 30min break. 

  • Select Confirm to update, and all the shifts will be instantly changed:

Bulk Copy or Bulk Extend Shifts

In the Temp Shift Planner pane, users can select multiple shifts to do multiple activities. To select multiple filled and unfilled shifts highlight/drag using the mouse to cover the area required as above. Once selected, the Temp Candidates pane then filters out candidates that are booked into the filled shifts and the remaining Candidates’ availability are indicated using coloured cells:

Green – Can be booked into any shift

Yellow – Can be booked into some, but not all of the shifts displayed above 

Red – Can’t be booked into any shift.

Bulk selected shifts can also be copied or extended to another day(s). Expand the shifts highlight/drag using the mouse to cover the area required (this example is 7 shifts on Friday 25th November from 9-5 for job General Bookkeeper). Then click on the new day cell required (in this example Saturday 26th Nov) for the same job and the following options will be presented:

Choosing Create Empty Shifts will create all 7 shifts for this job on Saturday 26th Nov (if there are valid Rates for that day). Choosing Extend Bookings Where Possible will replicate the filled shift bookings (if people are booked into the Friday shifts) of the Candidates on the Friday to the Saturday (if there are valid Rates for that day) and generate emails of confirmation to the Candidates.

Note however, that if the Candidate has confirmed or unconfirmed availability, these will be considered and if the Candidate is not available will not book them in, leaving the newly created shift unfilled. If the candidate’s availability is unknown, the administration set preference will be applied i.e. Assume Available, Assume Unavailable or Preferences. 

Hovering the mouse over a day cell for the job from which the shifts have been selected displays a shadow style view of how the selected shifts would get added.

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