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Using the Temp Desk

What does the Adapt Temp Desk screen display, what filters can be applied & what activities can be run? Using SOURCE to match Candidates.

Updated over 6 years ago

The Temp Desk is a dashboard which gives visibility of open shifts and available candidates all in one screen. It is accessed from the ‘My Adapt’ tab. Users can view the status of Unfilled Temp Shift Jobs within the system, book single and multiple Candidates into unfilled shifts and run workflows such as ‘Check In’.

The Temp desk is split into two sections, at the top, the Temp Shift Planner displays the shifts. At the bottom, the Temp Candidates matching the filter criteria are displayed.

To access the Temp Desk:

Click onto the 'My Adapt' tab and select Temp Desk. 

Temp Shift Planner Section

In the Temp Shift planner section, when no jobs are expanded, the Jobs general availability is shown using:

  • Green to mean there are no shifts to be filled.

  • Red to mean shifts exist but none have been filled. 

  • Yellow to mean shifts exist and some have been filled.

Users can use various filters within the 'General' tab:

  • Office – allows the User to filter the view to show only shifts for certain Offices. 

  • Teams – allows the User to filter the view to show only shifts for certain Teams

  • Consultant – allows the User to filter to view only shifts for certain Consultants (other Users). 

  • Client – allows the User to filter to view only shifts for a certain Client. 

  • Job Title – allows the User to filter to view only shifts for a certain Job Title. Please note that the job title has to match exactly. Wildcards such as * cannot be used.

If any of the filters have been used /selected, please click Apply. To remove the filters click Clear. 

Results are presented in alphabetical order starting with Client name, Contact name and then Job title.

Users can also filter on 'Live' unfilled shifts. Select the 'Shifts' tab and select 'Live Shifts' from the 'Show' filter. 

Date Range Tabs

Users are able to view shifts within certain dates. The views define how many days of shifts are displayed. The default view is a 7 day view but 14, 21 and 28 days are also available and a calendar allows users to select a particular 'from' date. Change the dates displayed by using the forward and backwards buttons. For example, the single arrow will move the view forward or back by one day. The double arrows will move the view forwards or back by a week.

To select a different shift view, select the appropriate button:

Running Workflow

Users can run workflow from the Job by hovering over the workflow arrow:

Select which workflow to run, complete the details and confirm. To add shifts using the Add shift range and Add shift pattern workflows, see the How to Create Shifts for Temp Shift Jobs article.

Viewing Shift Details / Adding Shifts from temp Desk

Users can view more details about a particular shift, such as the start and end time. Click the 'plus' button next to the shift to expand the information:

The 'plus' button below the expanded shift information (highlighted in orange) allows the user to add shifts. Click to launch the Add Shift workflow:

Complete the details and use the green tick to instantly add shifts.

Temp Candidates Section

The Temp Candidate view displays the Temporary Candidates and their home and mobile numbers. Within this view users are able to run workflow or apply certain filters.

When no jobs are expanded in the Temp Shift Planner above, the Candidates general availability is shown using:

  • Green to mean they are available.

  • Red to mean they are fully booked or unavailable.

  • Yellow to mean they have some bookings/partial availability.


This filter is shown in the title bar of the Candidate section and is the source of the Temp Candidates displayed in the grid. Use the ‘SOURCE’ drop down to select either All Candidates or select a set of search results.
The only saved search results available will be from the current user and be ordered by latest first.

When All Candidates is selected, Candidates will be displayed using the following rules:

  • When a job is expanded, Candidates are only listed in the Temp Candidates pane below if they have availability for any of the shifts.

  • When availability of a candidate is unknown then the administrator setting is applied, whether Assume Available, Assume Unavailable or Preferences. 

  • When no shifts are present or all the shifts displayed are filled, no candidates are displayed in the bottom pane.

The Candidate cells displayed in the Candidate pane will be coloured according to their availability for the expanded job:

Green – Can be booked into any shift

Yellow – Can be booked into some, but not all the shifts displayed above 

Red – Can’t be booked into any shift

Please see full description of rules in the Candidate Availability shift booking rules article.

When a set of search results is selected, Candidates will be displayed using the following rules:

  • Only Temp Candidates from the saved search results will be displayed.

  • All Temp Candidates from the search result will be displayed in the pane regardless of their availability.

  • Any automatic filtering of the Candidate list based on an expanded job will not take place. Note: Manually applied filters e.g. Qualification will filter the records in the results set and not reload all candidates.

The Candidate cells displayed in the Candidate pane will be coloured according to their availability for the expanded job:

Green – Can be booked into any shift

Yellow – Can be booked into some, but not all the shifts displayed above 

Red – Can’t be booked into any shift

Please see full description of rules in the Candidate Availability shift booking rules article.


Users can use various filters within the 'General' tab:

  • Office – view Candidates linked to aparticular office.

  • Team – view Candidates linked to aparticular Team.

  • Consultant – view Candidates linked to aparticular Consultant.

  • Availability – view all or only AvailableCandidates.

  • Candidate – search for a specific Candidate by name.

  • A Hide Unselected tick box is also available. When ticked, any unselected Candidates (i.e. where their tick box is empty) will be hidden, enabling easier visibility of Candidates relating to the job in hand.

There are other filter tabs for Candidates available:

  • Qualification & Rate – Use this to filter Candidates based on Qualification, Industry sector, Rate ranges and Job Category. Note: When a job is selected in the Temp Shift Planner, the Job Category field will then be defaulted to this category in the Temp Candidates section.

  • Location – Use this to filter Candidates based on Location, Postcode, Proximity, Transport (yes / no) and whether the Candidate is a driver (yes / no). Note: Use POSTCODE with a PROXIMITY (radius searching). Any Candidates that fall outside the postcode radius search will be filtered out of the search results.

  • Skills – Use to filter Candidates based on a selection of skills.

If any filters have been selected, click Apply and the system will display only those Candidates matching the filter criteria. Results are sorted alphabetically by Candidate name.

Running Workflow

Users can run workflow from the Candidate by hovering over the workflow arrow:

Select which workflow to run, complete the details and confirm.

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