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Candidate Availability booking rules

Booking rules using confirmed Candidate Availability, Unavailability and Working preferences. Booking rules for amended bookings.

Updated over 6 years ago

Job booking workflows consider a Candidates assumed availability, assumed unavailability and working preferences when availability is unknown. This is the same for all job types.

When a job booking is created, the Candidate is automatically made confirmed unavailable for that job booking period.

Booking rules using Confirmed Availability and Confirmed Unavailability

Adapt looks to initially establish whether a Candidate has any confirmed availability or confirmed unavailability between the date ranges selected. If there is some confirmed availability, then Adapt needs to establish whether the candidate is available for the duration of the booking or selected shifts and that they don’t have any confirmed unavailability. Rules are as follows:

  • If the Candidate has confirmed availability for all dates in the range, then the booking can continue.

  • If the Candidate has no confirmed availability or confirmed unavailability between the date ranges of the booking, then the system will need to check the application settings preference as to whether they have assumed available or assumed unavailable set. If neither of these flags are set in application settings, then no assumptions will be made by the system and the booking will not be allowed to continue. If the assumption is made that they are unavailable, then likewise the booking will not be allowed to continue. If the assumption is made that they are available, then the bookings will be allowed to continue. 

  • If there is some confirmed unavailability within the booking duration, a message will alert the user as to which dates they are unavailable and the user can choose whether to continue the booking and book only the shifts they are available for, or to cancel completely. 

Booking rules using Working Preference 

  • If the Candidate has no confirmed availability or confirmed unavailability between the date ranges of the booking, then the system will need to check the application settings preference. If ‘Preferences’ is set, then Adapt will check a Candidates working preferences. If the booking differs from the working preference then a warning message is displayed ‘This differs from candidates working preferences, do you want to continue?’ but does not prevent the booking. If no candidate preferences are defined, Adapt assumes the candidate is available to work at any time on any day.

  •  If candidate preferences are provided but not on every day of the booking, then it is assumed that the Temp does not want to work on the days for which no preference has been provided. 

Booking rules for amended bookings

  • If there is confirmed availability for part of or the entire duration of the amended booking, then the workflow continues.

  • If assignment dates or times are amended, any existing confirmed availability can be updated to still highlight when the candidate is free. For example, if there is confirmed availability for 01/01/16 between 09:00 and 18:00 and a booking is made between 09:00 and 12:00 then the existing availability will be amended to show that they are still available between 12:00 and 18:00. 

  • If there is some confirmed unavailability within the booking duration, a message will alert the user as to which dates they are unavailable and the user can choose whether to continue the booking and book only the shifts they are available for, or to cancel completely. 

  • If there is neither confirmed availability nor confirmed unavailability then the system uses the setting in application settings to ascertain to whether to use assumed available, assumed unavailable or to use the candidates working preferences. 

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