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Additional Studio widgets

A description of available widgets for custom studios, not used in Standard Studios. Includes Calls Back, Living Wage & Graphical Widgets.

Written by Jackie Read
Updated over a week ago

Backfill Lead jobs widget

Backfill Lead jobs are created in advance of a Candidate you know may be leaving a job (for instance, the Candidate may be under offer for another job) to backfill their current job.

This widget displays all Backfill Lead Jobs for selected filters. Note: Active, Closed and Leads already converted to a job are excluded.

The user can filter by the source of the Job (e.g. Recommendation, Job board etc.) and by a Clients Grading (A, B, C etc. as set in the Client Management Information page).

The Last Contacted filter on all Studio widgets is set to load 'ALL' Job records on initial opening. Users will need to filter on 'None' if they wish to view Jobs that have had no contact in the time period selected.

The first expanding section shows the Current Worker submittals list. This is a list of the Candidate(s) that are potentially leaving the job and the stage they are at with their new job application.

The first menu arrow next to the Contact shows communication workflows (e.g. Log a phone call, Log a text).

The second menu arrow shows lead recruitment workflows (e.g. Change consultant, Convert Lead to a job, Candidate match etc.).

Calls Back

This widget displays a list of people to call back, generated from the user’s task reminders.

The task needs to have the REMINDER or Set Alarm box ticked, the DATE field populated and the TIME field populated for it to appear on this list.

There are various filters and columns of information available including Notes. Workflows to Complete Task and Log a Phone Call can be run against each person:

Living Wage Notifications

This widget displays all Candidates that qualify for Living Wage where the Standard rate is less than the allowance.

An overnight procedure will add any new Temp Regular and Shift assignments to the Studio, which contain a placed candidate (with a status of Current or Future) where their pay rate in that assignment is below the Current Living Wage value set in Application Settings. The date range will show Candidates who qualify for the Living wage:

  • Anyone who is turning 23 within the dates selected that are booked into one of the assignments.

  • Anyone who is already 23 and in an Assignment whose rates have not been changed (to ensure they are not missed).

Once a Candidate has their pay rate updated accordingly, they will immediately drop off the list.

Users can filter in the usual way. The date range filter can be useful to show all eligible Candidates within the next month who are turning 23, for example.
From the widget, users can click directly into the assignment to update the rates as required.

MailChimp Campaigns

This widget allows users to view all campaigns in one place with an overview of the statistics, such as the sent date and the number opened and unsusbscribed.

From the widget, users can click directly into the campaign to view all the details.

Note: Users have access to a full graphical suite of reports within Mailchimp itself for comprehensive reporting.


This widget displays Candidates starting on placements for a selected time period and identifies which candidates need to be checked in. 

When an Assignment has not been checked in and the (Assignment Start) date passes, the Assignments Status now changes to “Current” and will be shown in red on the Starters Studio.

There is a Link against each Candidate to launch the Check-in workflow. 

Graphical Widgets

Graphical Widgets allow the user to have a quick visual guide to what’s happening in the business. 


This widget is a visual KPI view of activities. Activity types are selected using Metrics. This is a graphical widget and allows the user to toggle between the list of data and a Horizontal Bar Chart.

In this example the graphical data displayed is the total number of New Lead Jobs, Client Interviews Attended, Candidates Registered, New Perm Jobs and Client Visits Arranged for all Consultants in the Previous Year:

Note: The data can be filtered by:

  1. Who ran the Activity (the studio will display the statistics attributed to the logged in user at the time of running the activity).

  2. Who was the Activity Attributed To (the studio will display the statistics attributed to the Owning Consultant) Note: This is set when using the 'On Behalf Of' feature in Adapt.

Activity vs Target

This widget is a visual KPI view of activities verses the targets set for a consultant. Activity types are selected using Metrics. This is a graphical widget and allows the user to toggle between the list of data and a Horizontal Bar Chart.

In this example the graphical data displayed is the total number of Candidates Registered, Client Interviews Arranged, Client Visits Arranged, CVs Sent and New Candidates for consultant OVoloshenko:

Note: The data can be filtered by:

  1. Who ran the Activity (the logged in User)

  2. Who was the Activity Attributed To (the Owning Consultant) Note: This is set when using the 'On Behalf Of' feature in Adapt:


This widget displays Lead Jobs according to the filters selected. This is a graphical widget and allows the user to toggle between the list of data and a Vertical Bar Chart.

In this example the graphical data displayed in blue is the total number of ‘New Lead Jobs’ for consultant ‘Jackie’, in ‘Jackie’s Team’ and ‘Jackie’s Office’ for ‘This Quarter’ (Time period). The data in red is the targets for these metrics, already set for consultant Jackie.

The settings icon allows users to toggle between a ‘List’ of the data and the Horizontal Bar Chart. 

Other views include Status, Grading, Lead Conversion Rate and Lead Conversion.

Revenue vs Target

This widget gives a visual display of Revenue Vs Target for the Target types selected. This graphical widget allows the user to toggle between a Horizontal Bar Chart and a Geographical Chart.

In this example, the statistics are represented in a horizontal bar chart. It is showing the forecast percentage of revenue against target reached for the Region for all jobs in this month.

(Note: Targets are set in the administrator profile for individuals, teams, offices or Regions. Please contact your Erecruit representative for more information).

The settings icon allows users to toggle between ‘Geo Chart’ and ‘Horizontal Bar Chart’.

Note: Geo Chart gives a map view of how offices are performing against target –a world map view for Regions, or a Region map view for offices.

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