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Creating Timesheets for Temp Shift Assignments
Creating Timesheets for Temp Shift Assignments

Time Entry Search. Creating single & batch Temp Shift Timesheets. Authorising & viewing Temp Shift Timesheets. Timesheet Population Control.

Updated over 6 years ago

Preparing to enter Timesheets 

When a consultant is ready to add their weekly timesheets, they may initially want to run the new Time Entry search to identify missing timesheets for the last pay period. This search looks for assignment records, active for the last week with booked shifts and can be searched by Status, Job, Client, Candidate and Consultant:

For example, the timesheets may be in Client order, so by running the search a consultant can retrieve all assignments for that Client for the corresponding week. Use the formatter tool to add any relevant columns and sort columns into alphabetical or numerical order by clicking on column headers. Save the results and refine further if required. Sorting and refining results should help the consultant match the order of their paper timesheets

Once saved, select the results required and use ‘Batch’ to show the 3 new Batch options:

Consolidated Time Report

This report can be run for all selected records from the Time Entry search results for that week. It will create reports to be emailed to each Client with a summary of their workers for that week broken down by Job then by Contact. The Client can then make any necessary changes, sign it and send back to the agency for processing.

Select the records, then use ‘Batch’, ‘Consolidated Time Report’:

Each client report can be viewed by double clicking the Word document, and the covering email can be previewed by using the ‘Preview’ button. Click ‘Send’ to email the reports out.

Create single Timesheets

Timesheets are shown on the ‘Details’ page of an Assignment record. 

  • To create a new Temp Shift Timesheet, click on the action ‘Create Timesheet’ from the Activities menu.

  • The relevant RTD Timesheet template will display (see below).

  • Check and/or amend details and click on Confirm to create.

  • To delete a timesheet, select the relevant timesheet and use the ‘Delete Timesheet’ button. A separate window will display allowing the user to add any journal notes. Confirm the deletion.

  • To print a timesheet, select the relevant timesheet and use the ‘Print Timesheet’ button. A separate window will display allowing the user to confirm the print.

Batch create Timesheets

This feature allows users to page through each timesheet entry in the sorted order, amending details as necessary. Premiums can be added and hours adjusted if required and each timesheet can be confirmed/created as the user checks them against their paper timesheets. There is also the option to ‘skip’ unconfirmed timesheets.

Select the results required then use ‘Batch’, ‘Batch Timesheets’. A different timesheet template will be loaded depending on which RTD the assignment is using i.e. NO RTD, Shift Rate Time, Timebands, Daily Hours and Weekly Hours. 

NO RTD Timesheets

The NO RTD timesheet allows users to modify the rates of pay, using the 'Agreed Rates' as a guide at the bottom of the workflow.

The user can choose to set Daily or Total Hours. Rates can be set for each day or a rate of pay can be set per hour for all the hours worked in that week.

When creating a NO RTD timesheet, the following template will be displayed: 

Once the timesheet is confirmed, the user can use these refined rates to create an assignment based set of rates for use going forward:

If Yes is selected, the adjusted rates will be created, and presented for use when creating the next Timesheet for this assignment.

Timesheet Population Control

To help when using paper timesheets to manually enter the hours worked by their shift workers, some recruiters prefer the hours not to be prepopulated on timesheet creation. To facilitate this, there is a new field in Application Settings to ‘Populate Timesheet Hours’ which should be set to No to ensure hours are not prepopulated. 

Note: This function can only be used in conjunction with the No RTD method on Job creation. If you don’t have administrator privileges, please ask your Erecruit Representative to set this.

On Timesheet creation with this option set to 'No', users will not see the shift hours the worker was scheduled to work.Instead, the hours will be blank allowing the user to manually enter them.

With Populate Timesheet set to 'Yes', the timesheet will be prepopulated with the hours the worker was scheduled to work as created in the shift:

Shift Rate Time timesheets

When creating a Shift Rate Time timesheet, the following template will be displayed:

From the Shift Rate Time timesheet, users can add additional hours that are not on the system by using the icon:

Adding these new hours will allow the user to select a Premium here, if available for that shift/rate type:

Note: Whilst users can add extra hours here and it will create a timesheet line, the corresponding shifts will not retrospectively be added to the Job/system.

Timebands Rate Time Definition timesheets

When creating a Timebands timesheet, the following template will be displayed: 

As above, use the 

icon to adding any new hours and applicable premiums.

Note: Whilst users can add extra hours here and it will create a timesheet line, the corresponding shifts will not retrospectively be added to the Job/system.

Daily Hours timesheets

When creating a Daily Hours timesheet, the following template will be displayed:

If any Premiums are available on the RTD that corresponds with the hours and Rate Type in the shift, then it is possible to select these premiums on the timesheet here.

Note: The timesheet ‘authorised’ box has been ticked. It can be manually ticked or un-ticked here for each entry. See also ‘Batch Authorise Timesheets’ below.

Weekly Hours timesheets

When creating a Weekly Hours timesheet, the following template will be displayed:

Users can still manually add timesheets. From the assignment record, use the activity to Create Timesheet. Enter the Week Ending Date for the timesheet, and all the relevant shifts will be loaded (based on the RTD).

This could also be done using a set of assignment record search results.

Authorise Timesheets

This will batch authorise any timesheet entries that do not have the authorise flag set to ‘Yes’.

Select the saved search results required then use ‘Batch’, ‘Authorise Timesheets’.

A confirmation message will be displayed. Click Confirm to complete.

Note: ‘Auto Authorise’ of timesheets is set to ‘Yes’ by default but can be amended in the administrator profile. If you don’t have administrator privileges, please ask your Erecruit Representative to do this. 

Viewing Timesheet records

There is a Rates Breakdown page showing information about the new rates being used:

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