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Temp Assignment Activities

Temp Check-In, Temp to Perm, Amend Consultant Split, Change Invoice Point, Invoice, Credit Note, Create Booking Form

Updated over 2 years ago

Temporary Assignment Record

There are various activities available within the assignment record to maintain and update the record and to invoice the Client:

Temp Check In

  • The 'Check-In' workflow needs to be run on the Candidate's first day. Select ‘Check In’ from the Activities menu on the Temporary Assignment record:

The Check-In workflow will create the AWR clock if the vacancy is longer than 12 weeks in duration. 

  • Update whether the Temp has worked for the same client, and any qualifying weeks that may have been accrued by the Temp.

  • In the Journal Notes section, add any notes from phone calls with the Candidate.

  • Click on Confirm.

  • The status of the Assignment record will be updated to ‘Current’ from ‘Future’. The Candidate record will now have a status of 'Temping for Us' (this can be checked on the Candidate Profile page).

Note: The following message may appear advising the user that the qualifying weeks have not yet been verified:

  • Click OK.

Note: When a Temp Assignment has not been checked in and the (Assignment Start) date passes, the Assignments Status changes to “Current” and will be shown in red on the Starters Studio.

The booking will appear in the Temp Candidate’s Calendar. This calendar booking will now prevent the Candidate from being double booked and will show them as unavailable whilst in this role:

Note: To access the Temp's AWR clock, navigate to the AWR page. To display each individual AWR clock, click on the clock reference number:

Temp to Perm

Should the type of role change from Temp to Permanent during the assignment, users can change the Job type from Temporary to Permanent.

  • Select the 'Temp to Perm' action from the Activities menu of the assignment record:

  • Complete the details (mandatory fields are highlighted in red), then select Confirm.

  • The system will change the Job type to a 'Filled' Permanent Job, if the Temporary Job had a status of 'Filled'.

Note: On Confirm, any Future shifts (after the start date) of the Temp Assignment and any Past or Current shifts (if the Start Date has passed or is today) are deleted. This is to ensure that it is impossible to have a Temporary Assignment running alongside a Permanent Assignment for the same Candidate in the same Job.
It also enables the user to continue to administer the Temp Assignment (e.g. unbook a shift) until the Start Date is reached.

Amend Consultant Split

The Consultant Split is the percentage of the fee each Consultant receives. This can be amended by using the action ‘Consultant Split’ from the Activities menu of an Assignment record:

Users can select up to 4 Consultants to share the split. Enter the percentage of the split each Consultant will receive.

Make any relevant notes in the Journal Notes section and click on Confirm.

Change Invoice Point

 Users can amend the Invoice Point of an Assignment at any point by using the action ‘Change Invoice Point’ from the Activities menu of an Assignment record:

Select a new Invoice Point from the list by clicking the arrow at the end of the New Invoice Point field.

Make any relevant notes in the Journal Notes section and click on Confirm.


Note: Before running this workflow, a Default Invoice Point will need to exist within the Client’s record.

To send a Temporary Assignment Invoice, select the timesheet from the Timesheets section of the Details page of an Assignment record:

  • Select the Invoice button:

  • To change the contact or invoice point, select from the available contacts in the Invoice Contact or Invoice Point fields. 

  • Select the method of sending the documentation using the Send Docs By field. If sending the invoice out by post, users have the option to choose the address.

  • Make any notes in the Journal Notes section and click on Confirm.

Note: 'Invoice Ref1' and 'Invoice Ref2' fields are on the standard invoice template. These are blank by default but modifiable before sending or printing.

Credit Note

To send a Temporary Assignment Credit Note, select the timesheet from the Timesheets section of the Details page of an Assignment record and select the Credit Note button:

  • To change the Contact or Invoice Point, select from the available contacts in the Invoice Contact or Invoice Point fields. 

  • Select the method of sending the documentation using the Send Docs By field. If sending the invoice out by post, users have the option to choose the address.

  • Make any notes in the Journal Notes section and click on Confirm.

Note: 'Invoice Ref1' and 'Invoice Ref2' fields are on the standard invoice template. These are blank by default but modifiable before sending or printing.

Create Booking Form  

To send a booking form to a Contact confirming a Temp booking, use the  ‘Create Booking Form’ action from the Activities menu of the Assignment record: 

Enter any relevant notes in the Journal Notes section 

Click on Confirm. This will generate the booking form to be sent by email, or printed for posting.

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