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Contract Post Placement Activities

Issue Contract,Check-in,Booking Form, Amend Assignment Rates/Dates, Unbook,Contract to Perm, Invoice, Amend Split,Invoice Point, Extensions.

Written by Jackie Read
Updated over a week ago

After the Candidate has been booked into the Contract Job, Adapt will automatically put a reminder into the user's Tasks. This reminder will pop up on the start date of the booking to remind the user to run the ‘Contract Check In’ action.

From the Candidate record Profile page, ‘Assignments’ section, select the relevant assignment link to open the Contract Assignment record.

Issue Contract

This is run from the Contract Assignment and the Contract Assignment Extension records and generates a contract document to be sent to the candidate. The document includes invoice frequency and estimated contract value.

  • Select the contract ‘type’ from the list of templates available and send the document via email or by post. Further contract templates can be added by the System Administrator.

Note: The user can send a Contract and/or a Booking Form at the point of filling the Job, rather than subsequently here from the Assignment record.

Contract Docs Sent Back

Once the user has received the signed contract, it should be recorded in Adapt.

  • Select the ‘Contract Sent Back’ action from the activities menu: 

  • Enter in the date that the documents were received and the signed date. Add any notes into the Journal Notes section. 

  • Click on Confirm.

  • The Assignment record will be updated with the 'Contract Signed Date'. 

Contract Check In

The Contract Check-In workflow verifies that the Contractor has started on their first day and starts time accruing on the AWR clock.

  • The 'Check-In' workflow needs to be run on the Candidate's first day. Select ‘Check In’ from the Activities menu on the Assignment record:

  • The following message will appear advising that the accrued weeks from other Agencies have not yet been verified. Click OK. 

  • If the contractor has worked for the same client in the same role, but with a different agency, please enter the number of weeks. Any weeks entered will be added to the Contractors AWR clock. The 'Verified' field denotes whether the weeks have been verified by the other agency.

  • Add any relevant notes into the Journal Notes section.

  • Click on Confirm.

  • The status of the Assignment record will be updated to ‘Current’ from ‘Future’. The Candidate record will now have a status of 'Temping for Us' (this can be checked on the Candidate Profile page).

Note: The following message may appear advising the user that the qualifying weeks have not yet been verified:

  • Click OK.

Change Assignment Dates

User can amend the dates of the assignment if required.

  • Click on the ‘Change Dates’ action from the Activities menu.

  • Enter a New Start Date and/or a New End Date.

  • A warning message appears if the user changes the dates of the assignment, or unbooks the assignment, where timesheets exist that would fall outside of the new assignment dates. If the start date is set back, and the assignment is already checked in, a warning message will also be displayed.

  • Select the method of sending the documentation using the Send Docs By field. Choose the address if sending by post. Users can select the No Docs option if notifying the Candidate/Contact by telephone. 

  • Make any relevant notes in the Journal Notes section.

  • The user can extend a booking even if the candidate has an interview during the extension period. The user is warned before the workflow completes.

  • Click on Confirm.

Users can also use the activity Change Dates to change Contract Assignment Extension Dates.

Unbook Assignment

  • To unbook the Contractor from the Assignment, select the ‘Unbook’ action from the Activities menu.

  • Enter a New End Date for the Assignment. 

  • A warning message appears if the user changes the dates of the assignment where timesheets exist that would fall outside of the new assignment dates, or tries to unbook the assignment where timesheets already exist.

  • Enter any relevant notes in the Journal Notes section.

  • Click on Confirm. 

Create Booking Form  

To send a booking form to a Contact confirming a Contract booking, use the  ‘Create Booking Form’ action from the Activities menu of the Assignment record: 

  • Chose how to Send Docs By

  • Select the relevant Booking Form Type

  • Enter any relevant notes in the journal Notes section 

Click on Confirm. This will generate the booking form to be sent by email, or printed for posting.

Contract to Perm

Should the type of role change from Contract to Permanent during the assignment, users can change the Job type from Contract to Permanent.

  • Select the 'Contract to Perm' action from the Activities menu of the Assignment record:

  • Complete the details for Salary and Start Date (mandatory fields are highlighted in red), then select Confirm.

  • Select the method of sending the documentation within the Send Docs By field. Choose the address if sending by Post.

  • The system will change the Assignment type to 'Contract to Perm'.

  • Any Candidate unavailability will be removed.

Change Assignment Rates

  • To amend the rates of the booking, select the action Change Rates from the Activities menu of the Assignment record.

  • Change the Pay Type of the rates if required.

  • Enter the new pre and post AWR pay and charge rates. Update any of the other rate fields if required e.g. O/T 1. 

  • Enter any relevant notes in the Journal Notes section and click on Confirm.

Amend Consultant Split

The Consultant Split is the percentage of the fee each Consultant receives. This can be amended by using the action ‘Consultant Split’ from the Activities menu of an Assignment record:

Users can select up to 4 Consultants to share the split. Enter the percentage of the split each Consultant will receive.

Make any relevant notes in the Journal Notes section and click on Confirm.

Change Invoice Point

 Users can amend the Invoice Point of an Assignment at any point by using the action ‘Change Invoice Point’ from the Activities menu of an Assignment record:

Select a new Invoice Point from the list by clicking the arrow at the end of the New Invoice Point field.

Make any relevant notes in the Journal Notes section and click on Confirm.


Note: Before running this workflow, a Default Invoice Point will need to exist within the Client’s record.

  • To send an Invoice, select the timesheet from the Timesheets section of the Details page of an Assignment record, then select the Invoice button:

  • To change the contact or invoice point, select from the available contacts in the Invoice Contact or Invoice Point fields. 

  • Select the method of sending the documentation using the Send Docs By field. If sending the invoice out by post, users have the option to choose the address.

  • Make any notes in the Journal Notes section and click on Confirm.

Note: 'Invoice Ref1' and 'Invoice Ref2' fields are on the standard invoice template. These are blank by default but modifiable before sending or printing.

Contract Credit Note

To send a Credit Note, select the timesheet from the Timesheets section of the Details page of an Assignment record and select the Credit Note button:

  • To change the Contact or Invoice Point, select from the available contacts in the Invoice Contact or Invoice Point fields. 

  • Select the method of sending the documentation using the Send Docs By field. If sending the invoice out by post, users have the option to choose the address.

  • Make any notes in the Journal Notes section and click on Confirm.

Note: 'Invoice Ref1' and 'Invoice Ref2' fields are on the standard invoice template. These are blank by default but modifiable before sending or printing.


To extend the Contract, select the ‘Extension’ action from the Activities menu of the Assignment record:

The Start Date field will automatically be populated with the day after the Original End Date.

  • Enter a new end date.

  • Enter any amended Rates and Consultant split, if required.

  • Select the method of sending the documentation using the Send Docs By field. If sending the invoice out by post, users have the option to choose the address.

  • Select Re-issue Contract if a new contract should be generated. This will show the revised contract details.

  • Make any notes in the Journal Notes section and click on Confirm.

Note: The Contract Extension will then show on the Extensions page of the Contract Assignment and in the Job record on the Interviews & Assignments page, Extensions section.

Users can use the activity Change Dates to change Contract Assignment Extension Dates.

Note: A Contract Assignment Extension record inherits the Add to CV value from the Contract Assignment

In addition, when CVs are generated for Candidates, and Assignments and Extensions are listed, Adapt uses the Latest Ext End Date to show their work history (Note: If that field is empty the Assignment End Date is used).

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