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GDPR Notifications Studio

An overview of all Individuals in the deletion queue or in restricted mode.

Updated over 6 years ago

This standard studio gives an overview of all Individuals in the deletion queue or in restricted mode. It will show the date the record was put into RESTRICTED mode and the date it is scheduled for deletion if the decision to delete the record has been made.

Note: The deletion date is generated from the stop processing date plus the number of days recorded in the Deletion Date Control field set in the administration profile.

It can be filtered by the deletion date within the next 28 days, or by None where just in RESTRICTED mode:

The studio is aimed at helping users flag Individuals where there has been a change to data processing, so they can inform any 3rd parties. 

The ICO states:

“Do we have to tell other organisations about the restriction of personal data? Yes. If you have disclosed the personal data in question to others, you must contact each recipient and inform them of the restriction of the personal data”.

The studio will display RESTRICTED Candidates where they have been submitted in any form to a Client. The workflows displayed will be:

  • Progress – This is any submission within the recruitment lifecycle

  • Speculative Interviews

  • Speculative CVs

Details of each Candidate submittal can be viewed from the plus sign:

From here, Agencies can easily let their Clients know about the change in data processing for these individuals by using the quick links to the Log a Phone Call or Send an Email workflows. When these workflows are run, the ‘last contacted date’ will be updated in the Third Party Contacted field.

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