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Forecasted / Generated Revenue Report

A description of the Forecasted / Generated Revenue Report

Updated over 6 years ago

This report summarises the financial performance of assignments by Region, Office, Team and Consultant for a date range. It finds all Temp/Contract assignments and Perm placements starting between the dates entered.
The report can compare the user and teams activity against their targets. Targets should be set against activities to allow actuals to be reported against targets.
Please contact your Erecruit representative for more information on targets.

To run the report:

  • Click on the report name to launch the input screen.

  • Enter the criteria for the report (mandatory fields are highlighted in red).

  • Select the required format.

  • Click Confirm to run the report.

Note: For the date range, the start date will need to be a Monday and the end date a Sunday. This is so the system can calculate the weeks / months and quarters correctly.

For a date range, 

You can Filter by:

  • Assignment/Placement’s (owning)Region

  • Assignment/Placement’s (owning)Office

  • Assignment/Placement’s (owning)Team

  • Assignment/Placement’s (owning)Consultant

  • Client 

  • Job Type (Mandatory - choose: All,Perm, Temp and Contract)

  • Target period - defines against which period of target activity (choose from Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly, Yearly) should be compared). If this is used, Target data will be shown. If not used, no target data will be shown.

You can choose to Group the report presentation by:

  • Client

  • Consultant 

You can Sort by (defines first sorting order):

  • Assignment start date

  • Assignment end date

  • Client

  • Job Title 

Note: To check the Assignment/Placement’s owning region, office, team consultant, look at the Details page of the Assignment record.

If the report is run without any grouping for all Job Types, a graph for all teams is produced showing their Actual revenue from Contract jobs, Actual revenue from Perm jobs, Actual revenue from Temp jobs and Total Actual Revenue created in the entered date range, followed by :


  • Actual Revenue from Permanent Placements = Total Fees.

  • Actual Revenue from Temporary Workers (Revenue is calculated by totalling the corresponding values from all authorised timesheets, for the date range specified).

  • Actual Revenue from Contractors (Revenue is calculated by totalling the corresponding values from all authorised timesheets, for the date range specified).

  • Forecast Revenue from Temporary Workers (Forecast Revenue is calculated by totalling the corresponding values from all shifts in the date range specified).

  • Forecast Revenue from Contractors (Forecast Revenue is calculated by using the daily charge rate multiplied by the number of paid days.

All Temp Regular and Temp Shift Assignments

For each Assignment:

  • Details of the Job, Client, Contact, Candidate, Start date and End date, Standard pre-awr pay rate, Standard pre-awr charge rate, hourly margin, gross margin forecast, gross margin revenue, gross margin actual, revenue actual, consultant split % and the gross margin forecast, gross margin revenue, gross margin actual, revenue actual for the consultant splits followed by assignment totals.

All Contract Assignments

For each Assignment:

  • Details of the Job, Client, Contact, Candidate, Start date and End date, Pay Period, Standard pre-awr rate, Standard pre-awr charge, hourly margin, Daily Margin, Weekly Margin, gross margin forecast, gross margin revenue, gross margin actual, revenue actual,consultant split % and the gross margin forecast, gross margin revenue,gross margin actual, revenue actual for the consultant splits followed by assignment totals.

All Permanent Assignments

For each Assignment:

  • Details of the Job, Client, Contact, Candidate, Start date, Salary, Fee %, Fee, Consultant Split % and the Fee for the consultant splits followed by Perm Placements totals.

Note: This report is only produced in Excel.

When grouping by Client for all Job Types, a graph for all teams is produced showing their Actual revenue from Contract jobs, Actual revenue from Perm jobs, Actual revenue from Temp jobs and Total actual Revenue created in the entered date range (as above), followed by each client and their temp regular assignments, temp shift assignments, contract assignments and permanent placements assignments with all the fields as above.

When grouping by Candidate for all Job Types an additional graph by Consultant is produced showing their Actual revenue from Contract jobs, Actual revenue from Perm jobs, Actual revenue from Temp jobs and Total actual Revenue created in the entered date range, followed by each Consultant and their temp regular assignments, temp shift assignments, contract assignments and permanent placements assignments with all the fields as above.

When you want to look at Actual vs Target information, this can be done by Team or Consultant. Select a Target period for the report (e.g. Quarterly) and a Consultant (in this example Jread) you get:

A graph for the owning team of jread (in this case JackieTeam) for all Job Types showing their Actual revenue from Contract jobs, Actual revenue from Perm jobs, Actual revenue from Temp jobs and Total actual Revenue created in the entered date range, followed by a graph for Jread showing Actual vs Target of Actual revenue from Contract jobs, Actual revenue from Perm jobs, Actual revenue from Temp jobs and Total actual Revenue created in the entered date range.

Selecting a Target Period for a Team produces a graph per team showing Actual vs Target of Actual revenue from Contract jobs, Actual revenue from Perm jobs, Actual revenue from Temp jobs and Total actual Revenue created in the entered date range.

Note: You cannot get Target information by Office or Region.

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