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Setting up AOA

How to install AOA in Adapt. How to switch off AOA in Outlook. How to change where AOA appears on the screen. AOA version & Troubleshooting,

Updated over 6 years ago
  • Log into Adapt. 

  • Ensure that Outlook is not open on the workstation. 

  • Navigate to the settings wheel:

  • Click into the Installers section.

  • Click onto the “Adapt Add-in for Outlook” hyperlink. This will launch the setup process. The following warning may appear, depending on your security settings.

  • Click Allow. The installation wizard will guide you through the setup process.Once the wizard has completed the setup, a confirmation message is displayed. The Add-in has now completed.

  • When logging on for the first time after install, ASA will prompt the user for their Adapt username and password.

  • Open Outlook. The Add-in should be displayed on the right hand side and a new tab will be available on the Outlook ribbon called ‘Adapt'. 

  • Once installed, if AOA is not connecting and to ensure the set-up is complete, the user should check and complete the server settings.

  • Within the ‘Adapt’ tab, select ‘Settings’. The following screen will display which shows the Server settings for AOA:

Complete the login details as follows: 

Web services Server – This should contain the Client’s unique Adapt URL

Adapt app Server - This should contain the Client’s unique Adapt URL

Domain – This should contain the Client’s name

Username – This should contain the Client’s unique Adapt username

Password - This should contain the Client’s unique Adapt password

Profile – This should contain the user’s profile, usually ‘CoreProfile’

Language – contains English

Locale – contains en_GB

Time zone – contains GMT

Switching AOA on or off within Outlook

It is possible to switch AOA on and off manually within Outlook.

Select File -> Options -> Add-Ins. Select ‘Go’ next to ‘Manage COM Add-ins’.

Un-tick ‘Adapt Outlook Add-In’ to switch AOA off, or tick to switch on.

Any problems encountered in setting up AOA, please contact the Erecruit Helpdesk.

Changing where the AOA appears on the screen

The Outlook Add-In appears on the right hand side of the Outlook screen by default. Users are able to change where the Add-In appears within the Outlook screen. 

To change the location of where the AOA appears:

  • Left click into the area to the right hand side of where it says “Adapt Add-In” and hold it down.

  • Drag the Add-In paper icon into the middle of the screen.

The following navigation tool with 4 areas (left, right, top and bottom) will appear :

  • Drag the icon to the area you would like the AOA to appear. For instance, if the user would like the AOA to appear at the bottom of the Outlook view, drag it to the bottom quarter of the navigation tool.

  • Release the Add-In paper icon and AOA will then be repositioned in the selected location. Please see below for the example view at the bottom:

AOA version and Troubleshooting

To check which version of AOA you are using and where it is stored, please select ‘About’ within the Adapt Tab.

Users having problems with AOA should do the following:

Within the ‘Adapt’ tab, select ‘Email Log’.

Email this log to your Erecruit representative. They will then have all the information required for Erecruit Support Services to resolve any issues.

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