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The AWR Clock

How the AWR clock works in Adapt for Agency workers. Accessing and adjusting the AWR clock. Previous AWR work history.

Updated over 2 years ago

The AWR Directive states that the Agency Workers qualifying time needs to be monitored. The Adapt system contains an AWR Clock to help agencies keep track of the qualifying time.

Unless they are exempt, an Agency Worker will have an AWR Clock created (if one does not already exist)  for each 'Hirer' and role. The AWR Clock is created when the Check In workflow is run. An Agency worker will have one AWR clock created for each Primary Job Category in a company. This clock will continue to be used if the worker is employed again in the same role with the same hirer. If they are employed to do a different role with the same hirer, a new clock will be created.

For instance, if John Smith is checked into ABC Ltd as an Administrator (this is the Primary Job Category ) from 1st October 2017 to 1st December 2017  he will have an AWR clock created. If John has a break (perhaps for 2 weeks when not required), and is then booked in again as an Administrator for ABC Ltd (i.e. the same company and the same primary job category) this initial AWR clock will be used and time will continue to accrue into this AWR clock.

If John Smith then starts to work as a Helpdesk Engineer (this is the Primary Job Category ) for ABC Ltd,  a new AWR clock will be created on Check In . This is because the Primary Job Category will be different.

An Agency Worker may work for multiple hirers in a week and it is therefore possible to have multiple AWR Clocks running concurrently.

Example of how working weeks for the AWR Clock are calculated

The AWR clock is automatically updated by using the data held in the Assignment record. Adapt will automatically calculate the Last Week Worked end date using the last day worked for the last week, and the Assignment Start Date. Please see the example below for an explanation:

The Assignment Start Date is Wednesday 2nd January 2012. The agency worker normally works 2 days a week on a Monday and Friday. The Temp's first working day is Friday 4 January 2013; this is when the Check-In workflow will be run.
Note: The Check-In Date and the Assignment Start Date do not necessarily need to be the same within the system. The 'Auto Check In' function imitates the 'Check In' workflow.

The Assignment End Date is Friday 1st February. The agency worker's last shift is worked on Friday 25th January.

For AWR purposes, each week is considered 5 working days, and an agency worker can work as little as 1 hour in a week, for it to be considered 1 week for the AWR clock.

Week 1 will run from Wednesday 2nd January to Tuesday 8th January, Week 2 from Wednesday 9th January to Tuesday 8th January, Week 3 will run from Wednesday 16th January to Tuesday 22nd January, and Week 4 will run from Wednesday 23rd January to Tuesday 29th January.

In this example, the Last Week Worked end date for AWR purposes is Tuesday 29th January as the agency worker worked on Friday 25th January which falls into Week 4, which has an end date of Tuesday 29th January.

Using this example, 4 weeks would be added to the Temps AWR Clock as the agency worker's last working shift falls into week 4. Please see the Calendar below for a graphical explanation of how the 4 weeks are calculated.

Accessing the AWR Clock

To access an existing AWR clock:

  • Open a Temporary/Contact Candidate record and navigate to the AWR page.

  • Click onto the AWR Clock ID hyperlink of the relevant record:

The AWR Clock record will open:  

Adjusting the AWR Clock Manually

Users are able to adjust the AWR clock manually when required. For example, if an agency worker was sick but reported it a few days later, the AWR clock would have accrued time when they were not working.

To adjust the AWR clock manually:

  • From the AWR Clock record select the AWR Clock Adjustment button:

  • Enter the new number of weeks, add journal notes and click Confirm. The Qual Wks Adjustment field will be updated.

When running the AWR Clock Adjustment workflow for a Clock that has an AWR Status of Reset, the Job is now Closed after confirming the warning message. Users are not permitted to amend clocks that have been reset.

Previous AWR Work History by the Candidate

It is not just placements made through Adapt that contribute to the AWR clock calculation, as placements made by other agencies could also be relevant. If the Agency worker has worked for the same hirer in the same role at another agency, this clock time should be taken into consideration. The Temporary Workers Agency (TWA) is responsible for gathering such information.

Users should log the fact that information relating to previous work has been requested:

  • From the relevant Candidate record, select the Emp History Request action within the activities menu. Add the relevant notes and click Confirm.

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