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Data Searches

An explanation of the data searching function within Adapt.

Updated over 5 years ago

Data searching in Adapt is a user-friendly search facility with easy templates to follow. Users have options to search for Candidates, Companies or Jobs, and many other types of records.

The data searches find records based on criteria entered by the user. The data searching is only as effective as the quality of the data held on the system. It is therefore recommended that the information held on the database is regularly reviewed, updated and cleansed.

Users are able search some document areas such as Candidate CVs and the Journal Notes.

The Data searches are found in the Searches tab. The available searches in the system are accessed here:

Overview of available Searches within the system.

The following is an overview of the available Search Templates within the system, together with a definition of each search:

For more details on data searching and how to run searches, click the button:

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