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Permanent Post Placement Activities

Check-in; Change Rates/Invoice Point/Start Date; Invoice; Credit Note; Amend Split; Ending Perm Assignments; Extending Fixed Term Assignment

Updated over 2 years ago

After the Candidate has been placed into the Job, Adapt will automatically put a Reminder into the user's Tasks. This reminder will pop up on the start date of the Job to remind the user to run the ‘Perm Check In’ action.

The Job will now have a status of ‘Filled Perm Job’ (this can be checked on the Job Summary page). The Candidate record will now have a status of 'Placed by Us' (this can be checked on the Candidate Profile page)

Open the Candidate record and navigate to the Employment History Page. Click the appropriate Job link shown within the ‘Job Title’ list. 

The Permanent Assignment record will open. 

Permanent Assignment Record

There are various activities available within the assignment record to maintain and update the record and to invoice the Client:

Perm Check In

The 'Check-In' workflow needs to be run on the Candidate's first day. Select ‘Check In’ from the Activities menu on the permanent assignment record. A separate window will display:

In the Journal Notes section, add any notes from phone calls with the Candidate.

Click on Confirm.  The status of the Assignment record will be updated to ‘Current’ from ‘Future’.

Note: The Perm Auto Check-In overnight process picks up and automatically check-in all Perm Assignments that have not been checked in, and which have a Start Date that is less than or equal to yesterday’s date.

This ensures all Perm Assignments that have not been checked in manually will be checked in automatically.

Change Assignment Rates

  • Users have the option to amend the rates of the placement.

  • Click on the action Change Rates from the Activities menu.

  • Amend the Agreed Salary

  • Users are able to amend the Fee%. When amending the fee% the Actual Fee field will automatically update with the new amount.

  • Enter the reason for the adjustment and also any notes into the Journal Notes section.

  • Click on Confirm. 

Change Start Date

Users can amend the start date of the placement before Check In is run. Select ‘Change Dates’ from the Activities menu:

  • Enter the date into New Start Date field.

  • Update Dates on Job? - When this is selected, the dates on the linked Job will be updated as well as the Assignment dates. Note: This option is only allowed where there is a single booking for the Job.

  • Select how the documentation is to be sent using the Send Docs By field. Where a Contact / Candidate has been notified by telephone, select the option of No Docs.

  • Make any relevant notes within the Journal Notes.

  • Click on Confirm. Once the documentation has been sent out the user will be taken back to the Permanent Assignment record.

Extend the End Date of a Fixed Term Permanent Assignment

Users can extend a Fixed Term Permanent Assignment by extending the End Date.

Use the activity Change Dates from the Activities menu of a Permanent Assignment record:

Update the New End Date to extend the Permanent Assignment and click Confirm. (Note: If the linked Job is Fixed Term, the user will be prompted to add an End Date although can choose to ignore this). The linked Job End Date will also be updated.
Note: This activity cannot be run if the status of the Assignment is Past or Unbook.

How to End a Perm Assignment

The Adapt system allows the option to end a Permanent Placement whether it be the assignment finished early, or the Candidate never started the Job.
It enables users to add an End Date to a Placement, set the Job Status to Closed and set the Candidate status back to Active. If the End Date is prior to today this will happen in real time, otherwise the statuses will be updated by the overnight procedure using the End Date.

Use the activity on a Permanent Assignment record called End Assignment:

The workflow allows the user to:

  • End the Assignment by adding or changing the New End Date field. The New End Date field is defaulted to today's date. There is also a tick box option to Update End Date on Job also? to reflect this change on the Job record.

  • Record the reason for ending the Job by using End Job Options. Choose End Assignment if the assignment is ending early or Unbook from Job if the Candidate never started the assignment.

  • Record a Reason for Leaving (Note: the 'Reason for Leaving' Code Group is modifiable).

  • Record who unassigned the Job -  Agency, Candidate and Client.

The 2 different End Job Options will do the following: 

1. End Assignment - This will end the assignment ahead of the original End Date (i.e. the Candidate did actually work in the Job for some time). Users should add in the New End Date, select End Assignment, Reason for Leaving and Unassigned By. On Confirm:

  • The Assignment status will be set to Past immediately if the New End Date is prior to today, else the status will be updated to Past by the overnight procedure when the End Date passes.

  • The Job status will be set to Closed (if the Job requirement is for 1 person) immediately if the New End Date is prior to today, else the status will be updated by the overnight procedure when the End Date passes (Note: The overnight procedure will only close the Job if the Close perm job on end of last placement? setting is ticked in Application Settings using the Adapt Manager Profile). If the job requirement is for more than 1 person it will not be closed. If the tick box to 'Update end date on Job also? is ticked, the End Date of the corresponding Job record will be updated as above but only if the Job requirement is for 1 person.

  • The Candidate status will be set to Active, the Current Employment will be moved to Previous Employment and the Current Employer & Job Title will be cleared. This will all happen immediately if the New End Date is prior to today, else the status will be updated by the overnight procedure when the End Date passes Note: These Candidate updates will only be done if the Candidate has no other future pending assignments. If they do, the Candidate information will stay as is.

2. Unbook from Job  - This will unbook the Candidate entirely from the Job and should be used if they never started the Placement. Users should clear the New End Date field, select Unbook from Job, add the Reason for Leaving as Never Started and add in the Unassigned By. On Confirm:

  • The End Date will be cleared from the Assignment record if present and the Assignment status will be set to Unbook immediately. The Candidate will show on the At a Glance page of a Job record in the REJECTED/UNBOOKED section with a status of Unbooked.

  • The Job Status will be set to Unfilled Perm Job immediately (if the Job requirement is for 1 person). 

  • The Candidate Status will be set to Active, the Current Employment will be moved to Previous Employment and the Current Employer & Job Title will be cleared. 

  • The Candidate Progress record status will be updated to Unbook.

The Reason for Leaving field will be displayed on the Assignment record:

Note: Users can also update the Reason for Leaving using Edit on the Details page.

Permanent Invoice 

Note: Before running this workflow, a Default Invoice Point will need to exist within the Client’s Record.

To send a Permanent Assignment Invoice, click on the ‘Invoice’ activity from the assignment record:

  • To change the Contact, select from the available contacts in the Invoice Contact field. 

  • Select the method of sending the documentation using the Send Docs By field. If sending the invoice out by post, users have the option to choose the address.

  • If users need to change the VAT amount, enter the new VAT rate into the VAT % field. 

  • Make any notes in the Journal Notes section and click on Confirm.

Note: Invoice Ref1 and Invoice Ref2 fields are on the standard invoice template. These are blank by default but modifiable before sending or printing.

Permanent Credit Note

To send a Permanent Assignment Credit Note, click on the ‘Credit Note’ activity from the Assignment record:

  • To change the Contact, select from the available contacts in the Invoice Contact field. 

  • Select the method of sending the documentation using the Send Docs By field. If sending the invoice out by post, users have the option to choose the address.

  • If users need to change the VAT amount, enter the new VAT rate into the VAT % field. 

  • Make any notes in the Journal Notes section and click on Confirm.

Note: Invoice Ref1 and Invoice Ref2 fields are on the standard invoice template. These are blank by default but modifiable before sending or printing.

Amend Consultant Split

The Consultant Split is the percentage of the fee each Consultant receives. This can be amended by using the action ‘Consultant Split’ from the Activities menu of an Assignment record:

Users can select up to 4 Consultants to share the split. Enter the percentage of the split each Consultant will receive.

Make any relevant notes in the Journal Notes section and click on Confirm.

Change Invoice Point

 Users can amend the Invoice Point of an Assignment at any point by using the action ‘Change Invoice Point’ from the Activities menu of an Assignment record:

Select a new Invoice Point from the list by clicking the arrow at the end of the New Invoice Point field.

Make any relevant notes in the Journal Notes section and click on Confirm.

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