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What are Journal records? How to use and filter Journal records. How to add Journal notes.

Updated over 6 years ago

The Journal is an audit trail of all actions run by users. It logs all processes that have been run against a Person, Company Job or Framework record. e.g. Phone Calls, Interviews, and Placements. Each Candidate, Company, Client, Job, Framework and User has their own Journal.

Journal records can be accessed either from the icon across the top of each page  menu or from the My Adapt’ menu:

The most recent updates will appear at the top of the screen, meaning the older processes will be displayed at the bottom (in date/time order). Each entry displays the following information: 

  • Actions - Displays the type of action that has been run, it also displays any hyperlinks to corresponding records. 

  • Notes - Displays any Journal notes that were added to the action by the user.

  • Documents - Displays any email or letter correspondence sent out when confirming that particular action. 

  • Date time - Displays when the action was run. Selecting the hyperlink displays full details of the workflow. 

  • User - Displays the user’s name that confirmed / ran the action 

Located on the right-hand side of the Journal is the icon for Settings:

When clicking on this the following screen will appear:

  • Show Journal for - Me or choose another user’s Journal.

  • View Detail - Allows the Journal to be filtered in up to four different views:
    All / Simple / Journal Notes / Documents.

  • Sort by Column - Allows the user to sort through the Journal by selecting a column. 

  • Sort Order - Allows the user to display the Journal in an ascending or a descending order.

  • Default Filter - Enables the user to choose a saved filter as the default setting.

  • Records per page - Allows the user to view up to 30 actions on one screen.

  • Expand Notes - If selected, it will expand and display all notes entered by users.

  • Show in Groups - If groups have been created within Adapt the user can display the Journal for a whole group.

Note – Whenever one of the above filter options is changed, click on ‘Save’.

Filtering Journal records
Located on the right-hand side next to Settings is the Filters icon:

When clicking on the link the following screen will appear:

Using filters can prevent the User from having to scroll through pages of entries.

  • Date - This filters the Journal so that the user can see all actions that have been processed between a specific date range.

  • Workflow Name - This filters the Journal by the action, e.g. Candidate Created, Availability requested etc.

  • Groups / Users - This filters the Journal so users can view all entries made by a specific User or Group. 

  • Notes - This searches words typed within the Journal notes  

Note - Whenever one of the above filter options is selected, click on Apply to view and Clear to take the filter off.

If filters are applied, the icon will appear in orange:

There is a menu button for Journal views.

When a filter is applied, it can be saved as a ‘view’ by using ‘Save Current View’ from the drop down:

The user will be prompted to give the view a name:

This will then show under ‘My Views’. Views can be edited or deleted by using the pencil or cross.

To use views created by other users, select Shared Views. Use ‘Show All’ to go back to showing all journal filters.

Adding Journal notes to existing entries within the Journal

Users can manually add notes to an existing Journal entry when their has been an update.  

To add a note:

  • Ensure the required Journal is open

  • Click on the plus sign on the right-hand side of the Journal entry:

  • Enter any notes and click OK.

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