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Standard System Studios

A description of all the standard system studios in Adapt and what each widget represents.

Updated over 2 years ago

All Open Jobs

This studio displays all active open Contract, Perm and Temp jobs (where the Job status is ‘un-filled’).

It will display all jobs created but users can filter by when the job was created (e.g. in the last 7 days, in the last 60 days etc.). Remember to add or remove columns of information as required using the option.

Last Contacted Date is available as a metric and filter on all Job widgets.

The Last Contacted filter on all Studio widgets is set to load 'ALL' Job records on initial opening. Users will need to filter on 'None' if they wish to view Jobs that have had no contact in the time period selected.
Within each Open Jobs widget, the first expanding section shows the Candidate Stage list.

Within the Candidate Stage list, there are 2 workflow menu arrows:

  1. The first menu arrow next to the Candidate shows communication workflows (e.g. Log a phone call, Log a text and includes 'Preview CV'). 

Note: Users can choose which CV to preview.

  • Select the Preview CV activity.

  • Select the CV category from Which CV Category, then choose the CV from the Which CV drop down, if there is more than one in that category:

  • Click on Preview and the CV content will be shown in the preview window. If users subsequently want to send this CV, use the second menu arrow (shown below) and choose Send CV choosing the CV required.

2. The second menu arrow shows recruitment workflows (e.g. Send CV, reject etc.). 

The second expanding section shows the Competitor submittals list.

Within the Competitor submittals there is 1 workflow menu arrow next to the Candidate showing communication workflows (e.g. Log a phone call, Log a text etc.).

Within each Open Jobs widget, the first menu arrow next to the Contact shows communication workflows (e.g. Log a phone call, Log a text etc.).

The second  menu arrow shows job related workflows (e.g. Candidate search, Change status, Close job etc.).


Once a Temp or Contractor has been placed and checked in, they may request information that is covered by the Agency Workers Regulations. For instance, they may want information on the job rates or any associated benefits. If a request is received, the user should log it in the Temp or Contract Candidate record. Use the AWR information page and select the ‘Request Received’ button to record the details. Day 1 request type is generally used for facilities information, Rate is used for recording a permanent equivalent rate of pay. 

Pending AWR Requests widget

This widget will display details of pending AWR requests by assignment. 

  • Green = up to 14 days pending

  • Amber = 14–21 days pending

  • Red = over 21 days pending. 

To respond to the request, use the ‘AWR Information Send Response’ icon:

Choose the communication method and confirm. Note: You can close the request whilst sending the response by ticking the ‘Close’ box.

The menu arrow next to the Candidate shows communication workflows (e.g. Log a phone call, Log a text etc.).

AWR Qualifications widget

This widget shows which workers (Contract and Temp) to contact who are close to AWR qualification. It allows the user to monitor when their Candidates will qualify. The AWR clock starts from the Candidate checked in date and qualification occurs 12 weeks after this.

The widget displays the Hirer’s name, Worker’s name, the no of weeks qualified including adjustments (for days off etc.) and a yes/no qualified column. The user can filter by when they will qualify e.g. within the next 7 days, 14 days etc. 

Once Workers have qualified, the user can use the ‘Batch’ action to send ‘AWR benefits notification’. This will send confirmation of the workers qualification benefits by email or post. Tick the workers required and select this batch option. Confirm the method of communication and select ‘Confirm’.

The first menu arrow next to the Candidate shows communication workflows (e.g. Log a phone call, Log a text etc.).

BD (Business Development) Studios

What is a lead?

A Lead is a Client, Contact or Job that exists (but is not currently worked on) that you believe you can “win” and bring into your company to increase business. It is a pro-active new business development tool.

Why would you create a lead?

Users can keep all the information on a lead in Adapt by creating a “lead” record. These records can then be linked together and more information added as you get it. They can then be converted to open records when the business is won.

What are the benefits of leads? 

By adding lead records into Adapt you can monitor, track, search and report on all of the leads that you and your colleagues are currently working on giving you a better idea of what new business is potentially coming into the company.

BD Perm

The Active Lead Perm jobs widget used in the BD Perm studio displays all active Lead Perm jobs for selected filters.

Note: Backfilled, Closed and Leads already converted to a job are excluded.

The user can filter by when the Lead was created (e.g. within the last 7 days, 14 days etc.), the source of the Job (e.g. Recommendation, Job board etc.) and by a Clients Grading (A, B, C etc. as set in the Client Management Information page).

The Last Contacted filter on all Studio widgets is set to load 'ALL' Job records on initial opening. Users will need to filter on 'None' if they wish to view Jobs that have had no contact in the time period selected.

Note: Last filters on a Studio persist, therefore if a filter is changed to say Last 7 Days, this will continue to be used on load until it is changed again.

Last Contacted Date is available as a metric and filter on all Job widgets. Users also have the option to include Contacts with a blank Last Contacted Date when using the Leads widget:

The first expanding section shows the Competitor submittals list.

The first menu arrow next to the Contact shows communication workflows (e.g. Log a phone call, Log a text)

The second menu arrow shows lead recruitment workflows (e.g. Change consultant, Convert Lead to a job, Candidate match etc.).

BD Contract

The Active Lead Contract jobs widget used in the BD Contract studio displays all active Lead Contract jobs for selected filters.

Note: Closed and Leads already converted to a Job are excluded.

This widget works in the same way as the Active Lead Perm Jobs widget in the ‘BD Perm’ studio. See that section above for details.

Last Contacted Date is available as a metric and filter on all Job widgets. Users also have the option to include Contacts with a blank Last Contacted Date when using the Leads widget:

Note: You could create your own studio and add in the widget for Backfill Lead contract Jobs if required.

BD Temp

The Active Lead Temp jobs widget used in the BD Temp studio displays all active Lead Temp jobs for selected filters.
This widget displays all active Lead Temp jobs for selected filters. 

Note: Closed and Leads already converted to a job are excluded.

This widget works in the same way as the Active Lead Perm Jobs widget in the ‘BD Perm’ studio. See that section above for details.

Last Contacted Date is available as a metric and filter on all Job widgets. Users also have the option to include Contacts with a blank Last Contacted Date when using the Leads widget:

Note: You could create your own studio and add in the widget for Backfill Lead temp Jobs if required.

Compliance & Onboarding Studio

This studio gives visibility over the status of a Candidate's Compliance and Onboarding items. Use the filters as required, but all Candidates with Onboarding Request items will display here by default.

The Onboarding Progress column gives a visual representation of the progress of Complete items against Incomplete items.
The Onboarding % column shows the Candidates Compliance/Onboarding progress as a percentage:

The Onboarding Progress and Onboarding % columns can be sorted.

Status Filtering

Use Item Status to filter on status

  • Incomplete - This will display Candidates where ALL of their Onboarding Request Items are Incomplete

  • Complete - This will display Candidates where ALL of their Onboarding Request Items are Complete.

  • Any - This will display Candidates who have ANY Onboarding Request Items (whether Complete or Incomplete).

Date Range Type Filtering

Users can use a date range when a Date Range Type filter is selected.
Choose from:

  • Candidate Input Date

  • Assignment Start Date

  • Job Start Date

  • Onboarding Assign Date

  • Onboarding Due Date

  • Onboarding Expiry Date

Once selected, the date range picker will be displayed.

Note: The dates entered will persist on next display of the studio.

The Date Range Types includes Onboarding Expiry Date meaning the Compliance and Onboarding Studio can be used to sort all items coming up for expiry. When this is used, the studio will display Candidates who have at least one Onboarding Request Item with an expiry date present that falls within the date range selected:

Note: If no expiry dates are present, or the date is outside the date range specified, the Candidates will not be displayed.

The Studio can be split into 2 parts with the main Compliance and Onboarding Studio widget at the top and a sub widget showing a list of the Onboarding Request Items assigned to the selected Candidate at the bottom. The user needs to land on the 'preview icon' of a Candidate to load the sub widget. Select the 'preview icon' again to dismiss the sub widget:

Expiry Date is available as a metric for the Items in the sub menu.


Use the icons to 'Update' or 'Remove' an item in the sub widget:

Items and Packages can be added to the current Candidate in the sub widget by using the items 'Management' icon:

You can multi-select and 'batch' add an Item or a Package using the Items 'Management' icon in the main Compliance and Onboarding Studio widget at the top of the screen.

The same applies for the Send Email and Send Text workflows when using the 'General Activities' icon:

Filters available on the main Compliance and Onboarding Studio widget:

  • Region

  • Office

  • Team

  • Consultant

  • Show Retired Users

  • Package/Item 

  • Item Status

  • Candidate

  • Client

  • Job ID

  • Date Range Type

Metrics can be used to add columns of information to the studio display.

Note: The 'Clear' button resets all the filters to their default values.

Consent and Permission

This studio gives a constant overview of the status of GDPR consent for all the Candidates and Contacts an Agency is working with. It is therefore useful in monitoring Individuals where you need to gain consent to process their data within one month of receiving it.

The studio has 2 widgets - Candidate Consent widget and Contact Consent Widget. Use the usual filters to display by Region, Office, Team and Consultant.

Note: To aid performance, the Candidate Consent Studio widget initially only loads Candidates with a status of Registration Incomplete.

Additional filters allow users to show people not contacted within the:

  • Last month 

  • Last 3 months

  • Last 6 months

  • Last year

  • Last 2 years

Use this filter in conjunction with the Consent Obtained Flag to show who you have not contacted in the last ‘month’ where you don’t have consent, perhaps for new Candidates. The Consent Flag column will show a ‘N’ against those where consent has not been obtained.

This will be your trigger to run the Consent/Permission Request workflow. This can be run in batch from this studio. Select the Candidates required, then use Batch, Request Consent:

Note: Users can monitor the expiry date of the consent using the Expires On column. When the expiry date is close, users can choose to run the Refresh Consent workflow in batch in the same way. When an expiry date has passed, it will be highlighted in red.

When ready to record consent, users can run the Record Consent/Permission workflow from this studio. Use the icon:

against each person line.

Users will be able to display various metrics such as: -

  • Date Consent Recorded

  • Permission Date (when Other Processing Method such as Legitimate Interest is logged).

  • Date Last Contacted

  • Home or Work Phone and Mobile numbers

  • Access Request Sent (link to the GDPR Portal sent to the Individual)

  • Expires On (this is the date set by the user when running the Record Consent/Permission workflow)

Contract Desk

This studio is an ‘at a glance’ look at your current Contract status. It includes Client Interviews, Candidate Submittals (already submitted) and their status and all Open Contract Jobs (i.e. with a status of un-filled).

Client Interviews widget

This widget displays Candidates who are scheduled for any type of Client Interview (e.g. Spec interview, First Interview etc.) within the specified number of days, for which you are the recruiter. 

The first menu arrow next to the Candidate shows communication workflows (e.g. Log a phone call, Log a text etc.).

The second menu arrow shows Interview workflows (e.g. Client feedback, Interview attended, arrange Interview etc.).

The user can filter by when the interviews will, or have, occurred e.g. within the next 7 days, within the last 14 days etc. 

Note: The ownership filtering on this widget is based on the Job record Owning Consultant,

Candidate Submittals widget

This widget displays all Candidates that have been shortlisted and subsequently submitted to any of your un-filled Jobs. Note: Filter by Job Type, in this Studio we filter by Contract Job. It excludes the statuses of: ‘on-line applications’, ‘shortlisted’, ‘rejected’ and ‘placed by us’.

The first menu arrow next to the Candidate shows communication workflows (e.g. Log a phone call, Log a text etc.).

The second menu arrow shows recruitment workflows (e.g. Send CV, reject etc.) 

From the Candidate submittals widget, the user can use the ‘Batch’ action to:

  • Send speculative CVs (to a selected Contact)

  • Shortlist Candidates (to a selected Job)

  • Send Job specifications (for the same Job)

  • Reject Candidates (from any Jobs) 

Tick the workers required and select the batch option required. Confirm the method of communication and select ‘Confirm’.

Note: The ownership filtering on this widget is based on the Job record Owning Consultant,

Open Contract Jobs widget

This widget displays all open Contract jobs for the selected filters.

This widget is the same as the ‘Open Contract Jobs’ widget in the ‘All Open Jobs’ studio. See that section above for details.

Contract Revenue

This studio shows a summary of all placed Contract assignments and their current performance in terms of Gross Margin and Revenue (forecast and actual).

Contract Placements widget

This widget shows all Contract placements (filled assignments) that are running within the selected date period.

Remember to add or remove columns of information as required. 

Users are able to order the Contract Placements widget by End date:-

Note: Contract Assignments that have been extended are included in the Contract Placements.

Other fields available for display include: GM forecast, GM actual, forecast revenue, actual revenue, margin, pay and charge for each assignment. The user should input the date range required (from and to) otherwise all assignment records will be returned.

Note: Holiday Pay and NI/PRSI are set to a standard Client figure on the ‘Payroll & Invoicing’ page within the Administrator profile. Please contact your system administrator if they require amending.

Based on a daily pay period for a Contractor, this is a definition of some of the available fields for display and order:

  • GM Forecast - For any contract assignments, the forecast Gross Margin is calculated using the daily Margin (see below) multiplied by the number of paid days scheduled.

  • GM Actual - The actual Gross Margin is calculated by totaling the corresponding values from all authorised timesheets, for the date range selected.

  • GM Difference – The difference between GM forecast and GM actual.

  • Forecast Revenue - The Forecast Revenue is calculated using the daily charge rate multiplied by the number of paid days scheduled.

  • Actual Revenue - The Actual Revenue is calculated by totaling the corresponding values from all authorised timesheets, for the date range selected.

  • Revenue Difference - The difference between Revenue forecast and Revenue actual.

  • Margin – Profit. This is calculated from the pre-awr Charge rate less Costs (pay rate + holiday pay + NI/PRSI).

  • Charge – This is the agency charge to the Client (Candidate pay rate plus costs plus agency fee).

  • Pay – Candidate pay rate

The first menu arrow next to the Candidate shows communication workflows (e.g. Log a phone call, Log a text etc.).

The user can create a Timesheet for each assignment by using this icon:

or can use the ‘Batch’ option to create and print timesheets in bulk. Tick the workers required and select the batch option required. Confirm the method of communication and select ‘Confirm’.

Performance widget

This widget displays performance details for all compatible widgets when the ‘Update performance’ button is used. If any filters are changed on the Contract Placements widget (e.g. date range) above, the ‘Update Performance’ button should be submitted again to ensure the performance figures are updated to reflect this.

In this Contract Placements widget, the update performance button generates the following totals for all contract assignments shown in the ‘Contract Placements’ widget above:

  • Total Actual GM

  • Total Actual Revenue

  • Total Forecast GM

  • Total Forecast Revenue

GDPR Notifications

This studio gives an overview of all Individuals in the deletion queue or in restricted mode. It will show the date the record was put into RESTRICTED mode and the date it is scheduled for deletion if the decision to delete the record has been made.

Note: The deletion date is generated from the stop processing date plus the number of days recorded in the Deletion Date Control field set in the administration profile.

It can be filtered by the deletion date within the next 28 days, or by None where just in RESTRICTED mode:

The studio is aimed at helping users flag Individuals where there has been a change to data processing, so they can inform any 3rd parties. 

The studio will display RESTRICTED Candidates where they have been submitted in any form to a Client. The workflows displayed will be:

  • Progress – This is any submission within the recruitment lifecycle

  • Speculative Interviews

  • Speculative CVs

Details of each Candidate submittal can be viewed from the plus sign:

From here, Agencies can easily let their Clients know about the change in data processing for these individuals by using the quick links to the Log a Phone Call or Send an Email workflows. When these workflows are run, the ‘last contacted date’ will be updated in the Third Party Contacted field.

My Clients and Contacts

This studio comprises 2 widgets called My Companies and My Contacts. This is intended to give users an overview of their companies and contacts, highlighting where there has been a lack of contact (by calls, emails, text messages or visits). Colour coding highlights entries as follows: 

  • RED - Shows Client/Contacts not contacted in the last 28 days, and new Clients where no Client visit has been arranged.

  • AMBER – Shows there has been no contact with the Contact within the last 14 days.

  • GREEN – Shows there has been no contact with the Contact within the last 7 days.

  • No Colour – Means there has been contact within the last 7 days.

Users can filter by:

  • Region

  • Office

  • Team

  • Consultant

  • Show Retired Users

  • Not Contacted - within 1 week, 14 days, 28 days, over 3 months

  • Client / Contact Status

  • Metrics

From this studio, the user can arrange a Client visit, mark a visit as attended as well as run the Communication workflows within My Contacts.

My Jobs

This studio gives users an overview of potential lost opportunities by highlighting the lack of activity against their own jobs. Colour coding on the Days Inactive column shows job activity as follows: -

  • No colour – If the days inactivity on the Job record is 0 there is no colour coding

  • Green - If the days inactivity on the Job record is 1-2, the field is highlighted in green

  • Amber - If the days inactivity on the Job record is 3-4, the field is highlighted in amber

  • Red - If the days inactivity on the Job record is 5 and above the field is highlighted in red.

Last Contacted Date is available as a metric and filter on all Job widgets. 

The Last Contacted filter on all Studio widgets is set to load 'ALL' Job records on initial opening. Users will need to filter on 'None' if they wish to view Jobs that have had no contact in the time period selected.

From this studio the user can view the Competitor Submittals and Candidate Stage list, as well as run the Communication and Job-related workflows.

Note: Any workflow run on a Job that updates the Job Journal record is considered an activity.

New Candidates

This widget displays all new candidates registered on the system within the specified date range. The user can filter by when the Candidate registered (e.g. Previous 7 days, previous 14 days etc.), by Candidate type (i.e. Perm, Contract, Temp.), original source of the new Candidate, Job type (e.g. Temp Shift, Contract etc.), application status (e.g. CV Sent, Interview arranged etc.) and application date. 

The user can use the ‘Batch’ option to Shortlist (to a job) and Send CV (to a Contact) in bulk. Tick the workers required and select the batch option required. Confirm the method of communication and select ‘Confirm’.

The first menu arrow next to the Candidate shows new candidate communication workflows (Log a phone call, send an email, acknowledge CV).

The second menu arrow shows new candidate workflows (Shortlist Candidate, Send CV on spec, Reject Candidate).

Perm Desk

This studio is an ‘at a glance’ look at your current Perm status. It includes Client Interviews, Candidates already submitted and their status and all open Permanent jobs (i.e. with a status of un-filled).

Client Interviews widget

This widget is the same as the ‘Client Interviews’ widget in the ‘Contract Desk’ studio. See that section above for details.

Candidate Submittals widget

This widget is the same as the ‘Candidate Submittals’ widget in the ‘Contract Desk’ studio. See that section above for details.

Open Perm jobs widget

This widget is the same as the ‘Open Perm Jobs’ widget in the ‘All Open Jobs’ studio. See that section above for details.

Perm Forecast

This studio displays all open permanent jobs and gives the user an idea of what can be earned if all the jobs are filled.

Open Perm Jobs widget

This widget is the same as the ‘Open Perm Jobs’ widget in the ‘All Open Jobs’ studio. See that section above for details.

Performance widget

This widget displays performance details for all compatible widgets when the ‘Update performance’ button is used. If any filters are changed on the Open Perm Jobs widget (e.g. date range) above, the ‘Update Performance’ button should be submitted again to ensure the figures are updated to reflect this.

The update performance button generates the following totals for all Permanent Jobs shown in the ‘Open Perm Jobs’ widget above:

  • Total Number of Interviews

  • Total Number of jobs

  • Total Potential Fees (this is calculated on the lowest end of the salary scale)

Perm Placements

This widget shows all Permanent placements (filled jobs) that are running within the selected date period.

Remember to add or remove columns of information as required. Available fields include: (confirmed) Salary, Fee and Fee percentage for each job. 

The user should input the date range required (from and to) otherwise all job records will be returned.

The first expanding section shows the Fee Split. The second menu arrow next to the Candidate shows communication workflows (e.g. Log a phone call, Log a text etc.).

Performance widget

This widget displays performance details for all compatible widgets when the ‘Update performance’ button is used. If any filters are changed on the Perm Placements widget (e.g. date range) above, the ‘Update Performance’ button should be submitted again to ensure the performance figures are updated to reflect this.
The update performance button generates the following total for all Permanent Job placements shown in the ‘Perm Placements’ widget above:

  • Total Fees (this is a confirmed figure and calculated using the actual salary).

Revenue and Activity

This Studio is an 'at a glance' look at your Revenue and Activity. It displays the Revenue vs Target and Activity vs Target graphical widgets as bar charts:

Users can see at a glance how their Regions, Offices, Teams or Consultants are performing against their set Targets for Activities and Revenue.

Temp Desk

This studio is an ‘at a glance’ look at your current Temp status. It includes Client Interviews, Candidates already submitted and their status and all open Temp jobs (i.e. with a status of un-filled).

Client Interviews widget

This widget is the same as the ‘Client Interviews’ widget in the ‘Contract Desk’ studio. See that section above for details.

Candidate Submittals widget

This widget is the same as the ‘Candidate Submittals’ widget in the ‘Contract Desk’ studio. See that section above for details.

Open Temp jobs widget

This widget is the same as the ‘Open Temp Jobs’ widget in the ‘All Open Jobs’ studio. See that section above for details.

Temp Revenue

This studio shows a summary of all Temp Bookings and their current performance in terms of Gross Margin and Revenue (forecast and actual).

Temp Bookings widget

This widget shows all Temp Bookings (filled assignments) that that are running within the selected date period.
Remember to add or remove columns of information as required. 

Available fields include: GM forecast, GM actual, forecast revenue, actual revenue, margin, pay and charge for each booking. The user should input the date range required (from and to) otherwise all assignment records will be returned.

Note1: Holiday Pay, NI/PRSI and Pension are set to a standard Client figure on the ‘Payroll & Invoicing’ page within the Administrator profile. Please contact your system administrator if they require amending. 

Note2: Only Temp Shift bookings include pension contributions in the margin calculation and charge rate.

Based on an hourly pay period for a Temp, this is the definition of available fields for display:

  • GM Forecast for temp regular vacancies – Is calculated using the Margin (see below) multiplied by No. of Paid Hours worked per day multiplied by the No. of Days work scheduled.

  • GM Actual for temp regular vacancies - The actual Gross Margin is calculated by totaling the corresponding values from all authorised timesheets, for the date range specified (margin x actual hours logged x actual number of days worked).

  • GM Difference – The difference between GM forecast and GM actual.

  • Forecast Revenue for temp regular vacancies – Is calculated using the Pre AWR Charge Rate multiplied by the No. of Paid Hours worked per day multiplied by the No. of Days work scheduled.

  • Actual Revenue for temp regular vacancies- The actual Revenue is calculated by totaling the corresponding values from all authorised timesheets, for the date range specified.

  • Revenue Difference - The difference between Revenue forecast and Revenue actual.

  • Margin – Profit. This is calculated from the pre-awr Charge rate less Costs (pay rate + holiday pay + NI/PRSI (+ pension if it’s a temp shift booking)).

  • Charge – This is the agency charge to the Client (Candidate pay rate plus costs plus agency fee (margin).

  • Pay – Candidate pay rate.

  • Note: - Forecasted Gross Margin and Forecasted Revenue for Temporary Shift Vacancies - The Forecast Gross Margin and Forecast Revenue are calculated by totaling the values for all shifts within the date range specified.

A working example of Margin, charge and Pay calculation for a Temp Shift booking is shown below:

Margin = 35.71- (20+2.41+3.10+0.20) = 10.00

Charge = 20 +3.1+2.41+0.20+10.00 (margin) = 35.71

Pay = 20.00

Note – In this Temp Shift example, Holiday pay factor is set as 12.07. Hourly holiday pay is therefore calculated as 20.00 (Pay) multiplied by 12.07% (Holiday Pay factor) = 2.41. NI/PRSI factor is set as 13.8%. The hourly National Insurance/Pay Related Social Insurance (NI/PRSI) cost is therefore calculated as (20.00 (Pay) plus 2.41 (Holiday pay)) = 22.41 multiplied by 13.8% (NI/PRSI factor) = 3.10. Pension contribution is set as 1% in the administrator profile. The hourly pension contribution is calculated as 20.00 (Pay) multiplied by 1% = 0.20

Note – For a Temp Regular booking, the pension contribution (0.20) is currently excluded from the calculations.

A working example of forecast and actual calculations using margin is shown below:

GM Forecast = 2.78 x8 x 14= 311.36

Revenue Forecast = 15 x8 x14= 1680

GM Actual = 2.78 x8 x4= 88.96

Revenue Actual = 8 x4 x15= 480

GM difference = 88.97 - 311.36 = -222.39

Revenue difference = 480 - 1680 = -1200

The first menu arrow next to the Candidate shows communication workflows (e.g. Log a phone call, Log a text).

The user can create a Timesheet for each assignment by using the timesheet icon at the end of the row, or can use the ‘Batch’ option to create and print timesheets in bulk. Tick the workers required and select the batch option required. Confirm the method of communication and select ‘Confirm’.

Performance widget

This widget displays performance details for all compatible widgets when the ‘Update performance’ button is used. If any filters are changed on the Temp Bookings widget (e.g. date range) above, the ‘Update Performance’ button should be selected again to ensure the performance figures are updated to reflect this.

The update performance button generates the following totals for all Temp bookings shown in the ‘Temp Bookings’ widget above:

  • Total Actual GM

  • Total Actual revenue

  • Total Forecast GM

  • Total Forecast Revenue


Temp Bookings widget

This widget shows details of all Temp Bookings (filled assignments) that have started within the selected date period. It is the same as the ‘Temp Bookings’ widget in the ‘Temp Revenue’ studio. See that section above for details.

Contract Placements widget

This widget shows details of all Contract placements (filled assignments) that have started within the selected date period. It is the same as the Contract Placements widget in the ‘Contract Revenue’ studio. See that section above for details. 

Note: There is no performance calculation widget in this studio.

Workers Coming Off Assignments

This Standard Studio gives users a snap shot of all their workers coming off active assignments within the selected period of days. Choose from:

  • Next 7 Days

  • Next 30 Days

  • Next 60 Days

  • Next 90 Days

  • Next 180 Days

There is a widget for each Job type :

  • Perms Coming Off Assignments

  • Contractors Coming Off Assignments

  • Temps (Reg) Coming Off Assignments

  • Temps (Shift) Coming Off Assignments

Users can add and order each widget by various metrics including End Date, Client, Client ID and Assignment ID.

Note: Contract Assignments that have been extended are included in the Contractors Coming Off Assignments.

Batch extend Temp Regular assignments for 1 week

Clients can request a feature which allows them to batch extend Temp Regular assignments for up to 1 week, from the widget for Temp (Reg) Coming Off Assignments. Whilst this feature can be useful for lots of temp workers working for the same Client doing the same job on a frequent basis, it is limited and will need to be switched on in Application Settings by your Erecruit Representative.

Filters are available in the widget to enable users to sort by ‘Client’ and Ending in ‘Next 7 days’.

From the widget, using the Ending filter 'Next 7 Days', select the Temp Regular workers to be extended. Use ‘Batch’ then ‘Extend Booking’ and input the new end date.

The assignment’s existing rates will be used. Any shifts will be recreated using the start time and end time on the assignment, regardless of any changes made to existing shifts.

The end date of the assignment will be updated on confirmation of the workflow so that the end date reflects the shifts. 

A message will be displayed on confirm and any exceptions or changes required for Living Wage etc. will be listed on an exception report (see Journal).

Note: Only Temp Regular assignments can be extended and no documentation will be produced.

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